Studioplex is an on-going research experiment. The goal is to design our studio space to promote optimum productivity. The experiments we have so far include; a ping pong table, circular central table with floating bowl, palm tree, wall art including sculpture and king kong, dart board, conference area separate from working tables, wall paper for class notes, and clown bike.
Ping Pong Table: The goal for this experiment is to give us an active outlet for any frustration or confusion we might encounter with our projects. Also it invites a positive social atmosphere for other students outside our studio to join us and mingle.
Circular Central Table with Floating Bowl: This give the whole studio an "axis point", so to speak. Candy and snacks are also placed here, giving a welcome atmosphere.
Palm Tree: This is for decorative purposes only.
Wall Art:
- Sculpture: This gives you something pleasing to look at on the walls in a 3-dimensional scope
- King Kong: This is a 2D picture, but is a very big image, almost covering a whole wall.
Dart Board: Another active outlet for us to use, similar to the ping pong table.
Conference Area: This is an area reserved for class discussions and presentations only. It is good to have this space as opposed to all of us sitting at our desks where there would not be an appropriate place for visuals.
Wall Paper: This is functional and decorative. We can post important notes on the wall, but it also provides a decorative element, similar to graffiti.
Clown Bike: This is a very new exhibit, I'm not sure how people will react to it. It is simply a very little bike that looks funny to ride on. I assume we will use it to make trips around Langford to get a laugh.
Pictures and video research will follow this post to show results of each experiment.
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