Monday, January 23, 2012

Hike to the B/C.S. border

It was an exciting adventure to say the least. The mystery of not knowing where you are headed seems to produce the most rewarding results. I have included a couple of pictures to accent the more interesting parts. After passing through the "hippy village" of College Station, the first discovery was of a plot of land which could serve as an excellent site for our fuel station.The site appeared to be occupied by a house at one time but has since been cleared of it. Soon after this we located our second site directly across the street. This one was much bigger and had a more open view to traffic. This was where we hit our first barrier while walking the border. After jumping the fence we proceeded on our way. Nothing caught our interest between this first barrier and the second fence that we ran into. After crossing the later, we were halted by thick brush and thorn bushes.
We were forced to circumnavigate the wooded area in order to continue on our exploration. After crossing an apartment complex and residential street, we came to our third and final site discovery. This was a very nice corner lot with as much, if not more, space than the last discovery. I suspect that this will be a popular one when it comes time to select lots for our projects. We commenced to follow the border, crossing a park and a sewage pipe serving as a bridge over a creek. Perhaps the most interesting portion of our trip was discovered next. We seemed to have stumbled upon some kind of a dirt and soil dump for there were piles of Earthy materiel strewn about.
The final discovery we made was of a gardening area where it appeared to be open to any who wishes to start a small garden. Upon emerging from this place we soon found a bus that returned us to our class room in a timely fashion, thus concluding this great adventure.

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